oh, lawsie, this recipe for watermelon lemonade sounds delicious right about now -
there's a "moderate heat wave" in seattle this weekend, which is just a joke, as the high's won't get above 87. these folks don't know what hot is. then again, i've kind of forgotten, but i know it's not defined as 85 and breezy.
anyway, little sammy boy, a.k.a. mcnugget, is doing well. moving around - he seems to enjoy turkey burgers and strawberries, as those items have drawn out the most rolling/dancing in the past couple of days. what sammy wants, sammy gets, so pass the strawberries and burgers!
happy 4th, y'all!
Lynne, due to your sudden interest in watermelon, my I recommend a documentary for you, Alex, and mcnugget to view? It's called "How to Eat Your Watermelon in White Company (and Enjoy it). It chronicles Melvin Van Peebles' astonishing career. Another possible middle name? Sam Van Peebles McMillen?