Woah..this is me at 25 weeks, 1 day. I was really taken aback by how big I'm getting - lawsie! Maybe it's the dress, but really, I'm getting quite large. But it's all good because it's all little Sammy. Well, maybe a few dessert treats here and there, but it's mostly Sammy boy. He enjoyed the birthday today - kicked around a bit today at work - I think he was practicing his scissor kicking, b/c that's what it felt like. And hopping around after I had some birthday cake. The little guy is tuckered out now, though. We have a doctor's appt tomorrow morning, so we should get to hear his heart beating, which is definitely something to look forward to! I love hearing that thump thump - it's honestly the best sound in the world -dare I say better than the sound of a champagne bottle being uncorked. Yeah, definitely better than that. Cake post to follow shortly...
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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