Wednesday, October 28, 2009

39 weeks!

as the title of this post would suggest, or would blatently spell out, we're 39 weeks today! i know i keep saying this, or at least i keep thinking it - i can't believe this has gone by so fast. it seems like just yesterday that i was on the floor of our bathroom, staring at the positive preggo test. and please excuse my hair in this photo - i had just walked in the door. that's my excuse. that, and i'm 39 weeks pregnant, so back off! haha. my hair doesn't photograph well. neither do my thighs. sigh...anyway, the belly, as you can see, is HUGE! i love it. he's getting so big, but hopefully not too big. just need to stay away from the halloween candy for a few more days... he's still squirming around like a champ, and methinks he wants out. pronto. i've been having more and more contractions - just the regular braxton-hicks kind, but they were persistent all day long and i've had some cramping. a little tmi, but just thought i'd share. i don't want to jinx myself, but i wouldn't be surprised if he made his grand entrance this weekend. bill predicted 11/1 and he may just be right. but who knows? it's sam's world - we're just living in it. speaking of which, i wanted to post a picture of our living room, complete w/ sam's swing and stroller (folded up) in the background. our house is quickly being overtaken by baby gear and we couldn't be happier about it. like i said, it's sam's world...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

it's here!

no, not sam, he's still baking. our new fridge arrived today. puhraise jesus! after being without a fridge for almost 2 weeks, i am so, so happy to have our new, working one. i almost hugged it when i saw it. and i opened it to see that alex has already christened it w/ some beer. because he's a man with priorities. in all fairness, it's not cold enough yet to store food, so i can't be mad at him for not buying, oh, you know, milk, eggs, and other staples. so, one more night of takout and we're back to cooking with gas, baby.

speaking of babies, we went to the doctor today and sam is doing great. his heart rate is still really strong (they say that it usually starts dropping down a bit as they get bigger/older, but not for this guy), he's super low, and the doctor guesstimated (love that word) that he's in the higher 7 lb range, so he's definitely going to be a formidable baby. and i'm thinking he's really tall/long - i can feel his butt on one side of my belly and when he stretches his legs, i can feel his feet all the way on the other side. i have a feeling he's going to have his dad's legs and his mom's head size. oy...we can't wait to see if that's the case - any day now!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

37 weeks - hey ooohhhhh!!!!

that was my best ed mcmahon impersonation. forgive me, for i am delirious. this is what happens when you're about to birth a child and running on an average of 6 hours sleep a night. anyway, here we are, at 37 weeks. little sammy is full term! good job, buddy! we went to the doctor today and he's doing really well - heartbeat is strong, his booty is firmly lodged on my right side, and he's low - heading for the door, if you will. that, plus the fact that i was 50% effaced as of last week led my doctor to predict that he may come a little sooner rather than later. of course, she quickly followed that up with "don't curse my name when you're two weeks over-due". we'll see, but i'm taking bets from anyone that wants to throw out some predictions.

in the mean time, i can't wait for our fridge to be back up and running (it's been dead since last week, but the maytag repairman - yes, THE maytag repairman, or just some repair dude named Steve - is coming out tomorrow to fix it. it'll be a baking/cooking fest this weekend, as I need to get our freezer meals lined up so that we don't have to rely on the craptastic takeout options that we have around here once we bring sam home. well, it will be a kitchen fest in between the red river shoot out on saturday morning (hook 'em horns!), and the saints game on sunday (saint brees, pray for us..).

okay, my 7th take out dinner of the week just arrived. gotta go!

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