Hello? Anyone there? I know, it's been a while. I'll be honest, I lost my blogging mojo there for a while, but I hope to get back into it. Baby steps.
Things have been great here at the Casa - things are really starting to come together, design wise, and it truly feels like a home now. Can't wait to share pictures with you.
That's not to say that everything has been perfect. Close to it, but not quite. You see, my husband has been looking for a job since we moved back home almost two years ago. He's keeping himself busy with school, a few freelance drafting & design projects, and work around the house, but let's face it, it's difficult to support a family of three on one income. I know we are so incredibly blessed with riches that money can't buy (health and happiness in our little family being the two key items) and I often times forget that he doesn't have a job to go to every day because he does manage to stay pretty busy. But boy, every now and then, it creeps up on me and *bam* a panic attack starts rearing its ugly head. Questions and doubts and fears start swirling in my head and it usually just takes time and rationale thinking to get me counting my blessings and putting a smile on my face once again.
Or, like today, I saw a woman and her baby at the grocery store that truly set my mind and heart at ease. Isn't that funny how you don't even have to know someone, but that fleeting first impression can make such a big, positive impact? I was rushing out of the store, having picked up a few things after work, and had this pesky no-job situation on my mind. And there they were, outside the store - a mom, probably about my age, and her little baby in a front carrier. She was quietly, patiently showing her little one all of the flowers lined up for sale in front of the store. I couldn't help but smile. This was a perfect example of what life is all about - they were literally stopping to smell the roses and seemed content as can be. So, to the lady with the adorable little baby, thank you. Thank you for being where you were and doing what you were doing. It helped me more than I can say.
Onward and upward! Let's have a great weekend, shall we? Sam here thinks we should.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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