Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was busy - errands on Saturday, including *sniff sniff* buying my baby's school supplies for the year. When did he get to be so big?! Spent Sunday on home projects - more to come on that front.
One thing that came to mind over the weekend was that Alex and I haven't been on a date night in a year. A year!! No dinners out by ourselves, no weekend getaways, nothing. Well, we went to Jazz Fest for one day, just the two of us, but that's been the extent of it. That said, I quickly reminded myself that Alex, Sam and I have eaten dinner together as a family for about 360 of the past 365 days. Pretty darn good in my book. No insane work schedules keeping one of us away, no one is sick and can't physically be at the dinner table, etc. We're all present and accounted for and that in and of itself is pretty awesome. I leave you with the following quote that I found on the Patterson Maker tumblr. SO TRUE!! Make it a good one!
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago