I hope your holidays were great. I had several vacation days left going into December, so I gladly used that time to stay home and bake holiday treats for neighbors/friends, organize the ol' casa, and spend some QT with the Mr. and Sam. The simple life.
Speaking of simple, I came across this picture on, where else ?, Pinterest and it stopped me in my tracks.
How hysterical is this image? I love that she's toting around these adorable babes in hamper-like baskets. She looks so happy and worry-free. I feel like images of today's moms (especially moms of multiples) portray frenzied, stressed-out moms attached to every known tech device out there. It's a sign of the times for sure, but I have to wonder if moms of yore had the same worries/stresses that we do. Or did they just roll with the punches and enjoy life for what it was? Or am I reading too much into this one image? Probably. :)
Regardless, this, coupled with the recent downtime/family time, makes me want to set a resolution for 2012. Drumroll....seek out the simple. Make a concerted effort to enjoy my family on my days off, without the many distractions available to us. Don't get me wrong, we're not living in a cave here, but it's amazing what putting away the computer and the phone will do. Here's to fewer distractions and more living in 2012!
P.S. - Re: the pic - I am honestly not sure who this woman is/was and who took the picture so apologies for no artist/subject credits!
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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