no, not sam, he's still baking. our new fridge arrived today. puhraise jesus! after being without a fridge for almost 2 weeks, i am so, so happy to have our new, working one. i almost hugged it when i saw it. and i opened it to see that alex has already christened it w/ some beer. because he's a man with priorities. in all fairness, it's not cold enough yet to store food, so i can't be mad at him for not buying, oh, you know, milk, eggs, and other staples. so, one more night of takout and we're back to cooking with gas, baby.
speaking of babies, we went to the doctor today and sam is doing great. his heart rate is still really strong (they say that it usually starts dropping down a bit as they get bigger/older, but not for this guy), he's super low, and the doctor guesstimated (love that word) that he's in the higher 7 lb range, so he's definitely going to be a formidable baby. and i'm thinking he's really tall/long - i can feel his butt on one side of my belly and when he stretches his legs, i can feel his feet all the way on the other side. i have a feeling he's going to have his dad's legs and his mom's head size. oy...we can't wait to see if that's the case - any day now!!
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