Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hallway Project

I have big plans for our fairly long hallway - namely, gallery walls featuring family photos, prints, paintings, etc. in gold frames. As you can see..not *quite* there yet, but hey, it's a work in progress.

A few details to note - the floors are terrazzo (hello, '70's!), but I snagged this 10' long wool runner from Rugs USA for $70. Not too bad for a natural fiber rug of that length.  I love that it provides texture, comfort under foot, and a graphic kick to the hallway. I also think the light blue & off white chevron complements the cream colored walls (BM French Canvas). 

I want the pieces chosen for the walls to tell a story about our life as a family, as well as our passions and interests. One of them is, of course, our hometown of New Orleans. I picked up the fleur de lis at Garden Gate on Metairie Road - truly delightful shop - and just wrote the "laissez les bon temps rouler" quote on card stock and popped it into an old, generic frame that I spray-painted a muted gold. 

The Jen Ramos "LOVE" print and pic of Sam dancing in City Park are right outside of our bedroom. I smile every time I look at that picture of Sam - pure joy!

The hallway doesn't get much light, but in the evening, as the sun is starting to set, it practically glows, which is why I wanted to focus on frames in various shades of gold. I hope you enjoyed this mini-home tour. More to come! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday Tip

Can you guess what's the smartest thing I have in my fridge? The bottle of Prosecco? Good guess, but not quite. The jar of pickles? Well, I do love those, but not this time...The six pre-made lunches for me and the Mr.? Ding! Ding!

Seriously, I am obsessed. I started doing the pre-made multiple lunches just last week (what took me so long?!) and it's already changed my life. Well, it's changed my life in that it saves me about 15 minutes every morning. Hey, that can be a total game changer when you have a toddler to bring to school and an office across town to get to.

You can find TONS of lunch ideas on Pinterest, but I've been sticking with sandwich/carrot sticks/berries for me and sandwich/carrot sticks/pretzels or chips for Mr.. I'll probably bore of that soon enough and try to branch out, but for now, this works.

Cost break out - I bought 8 Ziploc three-section "divided rectangle" containers from Tarjay for about $10 total. I'm guesstimating that lunch contents cost roughly $20 a week. $10/person for the week! That's less than what I'd pay for one salad and an iced tea at the cafe next door to my office. I'm so proud of my thriftiness, I can't stand it.

If you're looking for an easier way to prep brown bag lunches, I can't say enough about this simple little system. About $10 up front investment, $20 a week for food, and 15 minutes of your time on Sunday night and you have yourself a great time and money saver. Win/win? Oui! Oui!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Breakfast of Champions

Good morning! This is my new favorite breakfast - homemade berry bar, topped with plain greek yogurt, sliced strawberries, and a drizzle of honey. Oh my...SO good, and, for the most part, pretty healthy.

I found the recipe for the bars here: and followed it to a T (well, except that I supplemented the blueberries with frozen raspberries to get the full 2 cups of berries). I highly recommend you try this one out.

Here's to a great Thursday!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You Don't Stop

It's Wednesday - we're halfway through the week and the Olympics are in high gear. It's time for some music to keep us going strong. How about a little "Sure Shot"? Enjoy!

Monday, July 30, 2012


Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was busy - errands on Saturday, including *sniff sniff* buying my baby's school supplies for the year. When did he get to be so big?! Spent Sunday on home projects - more to come on that front.

One thing that came to mind over the weekend was that Alex and I haven't been on a date night in a year. A year!! No dinners out by ourselves, no weekend getaways, nothing. Well, we went to Jazz Fest for one day, just the two of us, but that's been the extent of it. That said, I quickly reminded myself that Alex, Sam and I have eaten dinner together as a family for about 360 of the past 365 days. Pretty darn good in my book. No insane work schedules keeping one of us away, no one is sick and can't physically be at the dinner table, etc. We're all present and accounted for and that in and of itself is pretty awesome. I leave you with the following quote that I found on the Patterson Maker tumblr. SO TRUE!! Make it a good one!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Birthday Resolution #1

"Breakfast at Tiffany's" picture found at

We typically set resolutions for ourselves around New Year's Eve, but I want to try birthday resolutions. I turned 33 on Monday and have a few things on my to-do list for the coming year. First up on my list - re-learn Spanish. I grew up around the language and did a pretty good job navigating through Spain a few years ago by speaking the native tongue, but I can definitely use a refresh. The game plan is to dust off the old Rosetta Stone cd's and dedicate at least one hour a week (baby steps!) to them. Wish me luck, er, deseame suerte!

P.S. - The pic is the scene in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" where Holly is knitting and learning Portuguese, in preparation for what she hoped at the time to be a marriage to the "future president of Brazil". Okay, I realize Portuguese is not Spanish, but I love how she totally decked out her apartment with stereotypical Brazilian paraphernalia.  Got to admire her enthusiasm!
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