Friday, October 28, 2011

It's a Mad, Mad World

Photo Credit:

“It’s a business of sadists and masochists and you know which one you are.”
- Ida Blankenship, AMC's Mad Men

What a week this has been! I've been sidetracked, nay, derailed, by work. I think I've clocked about 18 hours of sleep since Monday night. Ooph. It's a crazy busy time, but such is life in advertising. Anyway, sorry for the lack of fun posts this week. Next week will be better, I promise! In the mean time, here are the three things that have kept me going this week:

1. Coffee, and lots of it!

2. Tazo's Focus tea (just so I wouldn't feel guilty drinking so much coffee)

3. The Harry Belafonte station on Pandora. Who can get super-stressed while listening to "Jump in the Line"?

Have a great, and hopefully restful, weekend!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Happy Tuesday!

I don't know about you, but I still have a smile on my face from Sunday's Saints game. You know me, I hate to gloat, but I can't help feeling a little triumphant given our full-on spanking of the Colts. I attribute our team's outstanding performance to their talents as individuals and teammates, as well that gris gris in the form of the MASSIVE Benz hood ornament hanging from the roof of the dome. I also have to think that the McMillen game day rituals had a little something to do with it. Come closer, let me tell you our secrets:

1. I have to call my brother in Seattle to quickly discuss the game and what's on the menu. Which leads me to my next secret...
2. We have Popeye's before every game. Every. Game. I get the 3-piece spicy strips combo w/ red beans and a Diet Coke. Alex gets the 5-piece spicy strips combo, also with red beans and a Diet Coke. BBQ sauce is a must. Sam gets a mild strip and half of my biscuit. The boy is already screaming "Popeye's chickkeennn!" while he eats. Love that chicken....
3. Prayers for a good game and win.
4. We dance, cheer, and, in general, act like fools to celebrate our team's achievements.

It's been working out pretty well thus far, but every now and then, we need to get some good old fashioned mojo working. That's where Sam comes into play, as evidenced in the clip below..behold the power of toddler belly mojo...

What are your game day rituals/superstitions? I'd love to hear all about it!

Bon week, Who Dat Nation!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Night-y Night

"...the world is full of women in sweatpants
and flannels and old college T-shirts. This, my friends, should be banned."
- Nina Garcia, "The One Hundred"

Nina, er, Ms. Garcia, I have to agree with you. I type this whilst wearing well-worn flannel PJ bottoms and a borderline-ratty Facebook t shirt I snagged at a work lunch-and-learn. Oh boy, I am THAT girl. No shame in it, but I'd like to think that buried in here somewhere, there's a girl that can only get a proper night's sleep if wearing crisp cotton jams. I'm going to find her, and when I do, I'm going to treat her to lovelies such as these:

Crisp. Blue. Piping. Perfect. From J.Crew, naturally.

Brooks Brothers. White with pink piping. You know I'd have this monogrammed. Circular block, please.

I'm not much of a robe kind of girl, but this silk number from Olatz (the one on the right) is TDF. Ivory with poppy piping. So lovely. And so expensive. A girl can dream! (Get it - dream, pajamas, sleeping - ha ha. Ha?) Moving on...

Fall daytime fashion picks to come later this week! In the mean time, sweet dreams!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Hi, Honey!

I took a little hiatus from Casa McMillen. And by a hiatus, I mean a sabbatical. And by sabbatical, I mean I abandoned my blog for a little over a year. In my defense, there were little events like a cross-country move with a baby, a new old job, and a new home purchase & move. Exciting times!

It's been a hectic year, but I'm so happy to be back in New Orleans (well, Metairie if you want to get technical about it...) and I'm stoked to share my slice of the southern suburban dream with you.

I'll try to post a few times a week, including images and ideas from the world of interior design and fashion, as well as my own nest-feathering projects (both successes and, let's be real, epic fails). I'll also post some of my favorite recipes, music, and general musings, thoughts, and commentary. Because I like to share.

Oh, and there will also be a little of this sprinkled in for good measure, because family is what it's all about.

Thanks for visiting! Y'all come back now!

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