Photo Credit: AMCTV.com
“It’s a business of sadists and masochists and you know which one you are.”
- Ida Blankenship, AMC's Mad Men
What a week this has been! I've been sidetracked, nay, derailed, by work. I think I've clocked about 18 hours of sleep since Monday night. Ooph. It's a crazy busy time, but such is life in advertising. Anyway, sorry for the lack of fun posts this week. Next week will be better, I promise! In the mean time, here are the three things that have kept me going this week:
1. Coffee, and lots of it!
2. Tazo's Focus tea (just so I wouldn't feel guilty drinking so much coffee)
3. The Harry Belafonte station on Pandora. Who can get super-stressed while listening to "Jump in the Line"?
Have a great, and hopefully restful, weekend!