...not the holidays, the fall shopping season. oh, how i love fall clothes! love them. i love the vibrant colors and polish, working together to create an overall look that’s a little bit more lux than any other season. they make me think of apples, evenings out in the crisp air, and walks through central park. let’s be real, i’ll settle for just apples if i can eat them while wearing some of these gorgeous threads from talbots (yes, talbots!) and the house of jenna lyons, a.k.a., j. crew.
i mean, how cute and classic is this grass green coat, blouse, and dark jean combo? and i love the red shoes - not sure if i'm bold enough to rock them, but the rest of the outfit is speakin' my language...

and the white blouse and salmon pencil skirt? loving. and i have to say, i'm digging the gloves. a bold choice. don't get me started on the yellow jacket and black blouse...lucky for me, i have similar pieces in my closet, but never thought to pair them. closet shopping, here i come!

how much do you love this mustardy-yellow top from the crew? i love the styling of their september catalog - perfection.

i need all of these necklaces. now. please and thank you. i am crazy about the over-the-top costume jewelry paired with beautiful basics look. great way to update the old wardrobe and not for all that much $$. i actually found a treasure trove of similar-looking sparklers at a random, independent home goods/gifty store out in the seattle 'burbs for $20-$30 a pop, and they actually appeared to be fairly well constructed - score!
the only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize. name that movie!

none of these pieces are over the top or particularly spectacular, but i have to admire the fact that the stylists at el crew can make a simple button down and pencil skirt look hip . i'm often found striking this pose at work..funny how i don't look as chic doing so. hmm..

and i know that this isn't a fall ensemble (well, maybe for the loved ones back home in new orleans), but i am loving this color combo - rust and grey, who knew?

and the piece de resistance, the trudie coat, on the right, in that color - droooolllllll.....i'm not sure that they still have it in stock, at least not in that color. i almost don't want to check because, theoretically, i'm supposed to be saving my pennies for bigger life events, but i don't know, i could be easily convinced to make this investment, sans knee highs, of course.

i'm going to try to shop my own closet and enhance with a few key pieces (mantra that i have to run through my head or else i'll derail my budget: quality, not quantity...quality, not quantity...). what is on your fall must-have list? i'd love to hear all about it!