i've been taken to task for not updating the old blog lately - sorry, folks! i don't really have a good excuse, other than the past few weeks have been crazy at work (they're really making me work for this maternity leave - haha) and i've been preoccupied with all things nursery related. seriously, who knew you could become obsessed with curtains and valances, neither of which are hung up yet, but we're getting there. so...here i am at 34 weeks - 34 weeks!! holy mackeral, we're in the final stretch. i can't even believe it. sam's doing great - we went to the doctor yesterday and he is head down, ready to go. well, he's got at least 3 more weeks of baking to do, but at least he's locked and loaded in position. that's not to say he doesn't spin around on his head - i think he's been doing exactly that, as i can sometimes see little ball-like forms move around my belly that could only be knees or feet. it doesn't freak me out at all - i love it! and i'm thinking we may have a tiny break-dancer on our hands...
and note to self: under-eye concealor, look into it. seriously, though, i just ran to the bathroom to see if i really looked that tired and i don't. i'm blaming the lighting in the photo. so there.
and here's a shot of one side of our wee nursery. totally not near complete yet, so it's just a work in progress. i haven't put sheets on the mattress yet - those are pages of wall decals that we're thinking about putting up on the wall, above the crib. i really wanted to do wooden letters spelling out his name above the crib, but quickly got that little idea out of my head when i had a mental picture of those wooden letters falling and hitting tiny sammy boy in the face. we live in an earthquake zone, y'all - we have to think of these things. so....decals it is. just figuring out how to best incorporate them. anyway.....we are getting there. i hope to have the nursery totally done by the first weekend in october, if not, the second. alex is going to build shelves to put above the changing table, so that may take a couple of weeks. i'll post more pics as we get our stuff together.